



~2/25にうまれたprehensile-tailed porcupine(ヤマアラシらしいのですが、和名はわからず。。。)の赤ちゃんです。ふわふわの毛とキョトンとした顔がかわいらしいですね。性別の診断にはDNA検査を行い、女の子と分かったそうです。お母さんはPeriさんで、映像の途中に鉄棒につかまって超音波検査をうけているのが映っています。こちらもこちらでかわいらしいですね。


●イマジニアのJoe Rohdeさんが自身のインスタグラムにてツリー・オブ・ライフを語る
~wdw news todayさんにて、記事がまとめられているので、英文ですがよろしければ、どうぞ。


Well. It doesn’t look like we are meeting up at Disney’s Animal Kingdom real soon, so how about a tour of my personal photos of the park. If you haven’t been to the park, or ever heard of it (which is definitely a thing on the West Coast) perhaps this will help people understand what it is. Maybe even convince some skeptics to try it out. If you have been there, it might just be more inside knowledge. So. In the middle of the park is the centerpiece and icon. The Tree of Life. Named for the old fashioned 19th century diagram of interconnected spread of life. Because the park is dedicated to the themes of animals and their relationships to humans,(good and bad) we needed a non-architectural icon…something “natural.” Since nature is everywhere anyway, we also need to signify that this place is exceptional..in some way “magical.” Thus..a strange tree. A tree whose body disappears under patient observation to become nothing but animals. A metaphor for the rewards nature can provide to the careful observer. But since we all know it has been made..it is a work of arty…it also signifies the intent to communicate..to tell a story. In fact, the Tree promises two things. 1. This place is a story place about animals. 2.This place is a designed place full of virtuoso accomplishments. (See Aristotle’s essay on Mimesis.)

Joe Rohde(@joerohde)がシェアした投稿 –



●Fawn Veerasunthornさんが「Animag’s 2020 Rising Stars of Animation」を受賞
~今年冬公開予定の「Raya and the Last Dragon」や、「アナと雪の女王」、「ズートピア」のストーリー制作にかかわってこられた方です。





